
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Warrior's Path...

Last Wednesday morning, a Toronto Police Sergeant was killed in the line of duty.

A male stole a snow plow equipped truck, went on a rampage on the streets of downtown Toronto and when the Sergeant tried to stop him, he was run down and killed in an act of cold calculated murder.

I attended the Sergeant's funeral, as did nearly 14 thousand officers, from all over the world.  It was a somber and impressive occasion.  Ryan Russell left behind a wife and 2 year old son.  He made the ultimate sacrifice.  I felt both great sadness and great pride.  It was quite a mix of emotions.

Take a moment to cherish what and who is dear to you and take a moment to contemplate what it means to consider giving your life in the service of others, no matter who you are or what you do.

'This is what it means to be on the warrior's path.'  

Be safe.


  1. This is so tragic - such a waste of a good life. I'm sorry you lost a colleague in this way. I hope his son grows up knowing his dad was a hero.

  2. I can only hope that as the years go by, his son will come to realize and be proud of all his father stood for. Thanks for the kind words.
